1087 Leonard Road Lexington NC 27295 (On the corner of Arnold and Leonard Road) Mailing Address: P O Box 410
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Some good advice from our friends at  West Portland United Methodist Church, Portland OR.

Stewardship has to do with how we manage our time, talent, resources-basically our entire lives. It’s a beautiful concept when properly understood. Here are the basics of good stewardship:

God is the source of all creation, including our lives. God is the primary owner of all that exists. We are blessed by being given the task of managing well all that we have influence over: our lives, our abilities, our minds and bodies, our time, our part of the earth, our finances, our children, our church buildings, our automobiles, etc.

Although we can make decisions regarding each of the above, ultimately we are responsible to God. Sooner or later, we must give an account of our management of God’s creation and of God’s gifts. When we properly use the talents, resources and property that God allows us to manage, we find great joy. Think of planting a garden which soon overflows with colorful flowers, wonderful vegetables and flavorful herbs, etc. God gave us the plot of ground, God gave us seed, God gave us the wisdom and strength to bring forth such beauty, such good things to see, eat, or smell. Yet we did the work, with God’s help, to make it a reality. Like Adam we tilled it and kept it, but God gave the increase. God’s provisions and our labor brought the garden to its fulfillment.

Good stewardship enables us to do something positive and wonderful with the money God has allowed us to have. What feels better than knowing one has managed money well? Our bank account, our checkbook, and our portfolio tell the story. When money is handled well, we have enough for ourselves and are still able to give to God’s work. That is the beauty of stewardship.