1087 Leonard Road Lexington NC 27295 (On the corner of Arnold and Leonard Road) Mailing Address: P O Box 410
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Welcome to Ebenezer United
 Methodist Church
Come and Experience the
Fullness of Christ !
1087 LEONARD ROAD *  LEXINGTON NC  27295  *  336.249.1410
Mailing Address:  P O Box 410  Lexington NC  27295
You are invited to join us for worship 
In Person Worship:  9:30 am
Pastor:  Ray Morgan
Tuesday, March 26th, 2024

As I write this, Spring has sprung! Where there were bare trees and brown lawns there are now flowers, leaves and green grass. Where there was death, life has been reborn!

I also just read a recent Gallup survey that reports the number of people who do not or have not gone to a church service now exceeds those who do attend. The decline of the church in our nation has led to a level of animosity and divisiveness we’ve never experienced in our culture. The message of peace and love, forgiveness and eternal life, have been replaced with the cult of personality, anger, hatred and a self-centered view of life.

In other words, our culture looks dead, like winter. Many no longer have hope for a resurrection, for the return of Spring. They see no end to winter and despair has set in.

Many no longer attend church because of hurtful experiences, judgmental attitudes, and hypocritical busybodies. The church has shot itself in the foot.

It is time to throw religion out the window. It’s time to clear the temple of the Pharisees and moneychangers.

The Christian faith is not about the building or a set of rules and certainly doesn’t need people running around pointing fingers. Our faith is a relationship with the very real and present God who created the universe because God wanted a place where we could be together. God created everything out of love.

God sent Jesus to show us love and another way to live. John’s gospel records Jesus telling us he did not come to condemn the world, rather to save it.

At Ebenezer UMC, we are committed to discipleship, our own journey to become more like Jesus and less like the world. If you are looking for a place where your discipleship journey is encouraged and strengthened, you found it. If you are looking for a place to fit in, feel loved and accepted, affirmed and welcomed, you found it. If you are looking for meaning to life, for a purpose beyond fulfilling our sensual desires and needs, you found it.

We’re not perfect. We’re broken, messy and hurting. We are working out our relationship with God together, supporting one another. We invite you to join us on this journey, this drawing closer to God. We don’t care who you are, where you live, what you wear, what you do, who you love, how much you do or don’t have. We just want to have a relationship with you that mirrors our relationship with God, full of love and grace.

We welcome you to join us. Please consider this your official written invitation!  

Peace, P.Ray