Welcome to Ebenezer United
Methodist Church
Come and Experience the
Fullness of Christ !
1087 LEONARD ROAD * LEXINGTON NC 27295 * 336.249.1410
Mailing Address: P O Box 410 Lexington NC 27295
You are invited to join us for worship
In Person Worship: 9:30 am
Pastor: Ray Morgan
Monday, December 16th, 2024
Grace and Peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ!
As we journey through the end of another year, reveling in the Christmas season and looking forward to new beginnings, let us not lose sight of what is real.
We get bombarded by ads telling us we need this perfume, these clothes, this car, this furniture, this experience, these status symbols to show we are worthy. We are incomplete without the stuff they’re selling.
Don’t buy into the lie. We have sacred worth because God created us in the Divine Image. Those who love God with all their body, mind, heart and soul, love the same things that God loves.
This is why at Ebenezer we welcome anyone and everyone. God made it pretty clear that we are loved. In that most famous verse, John 3:16, we hear that because God so hated the world... wait, no, for God detested the world so much... no...God was so angry that... No. It says, “For God SO LOVED the world...”
The whole point of Creation is love. God loved us before time and space were created. Love is the reason we have reality. And those who are called Christians should be able to be spotted by our extraordinary love.
The point of Christmas is, God’s Love joined us on earth, to save us from ourselves, to restore our relationship with God so we could live in God’s love forever. That gift is the most precious one ever. Amazon, Macy’s, Hayes Jewelers, Wal-Mart, whatever retailer you want to list, can’t offer anything eternal.
This season, may the Love which sparked Creation, fill our hearts and lives to overflowing. May Love be our reason. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! May God bless you richly through Jesus Christ our Lord. Peace,
P. Ray